Foreword by curator Veronica Bike for the 2008 catalogue
Hans H. Binder
Watercolours and etchings
He calls his artistic concern a symbiosis of ‘emotion and analytics’, another description for an ongoing confrontation between opposites, which have been repeatedly subjected to more detailed consideration in the theory of art history. It is the indissoluble play between the line and the colour. If the line is the guiding principle of the idea, the clarity, the precision, then the colour is the chaos, the spawling, the lively, the organic and the enriching.
Colour alone would blur, run out, would not find its way, if it weren’t for the line that gives support and leads the thought to the next crossroads. Considerations in the wide field of painting, drawing and printmaking allow these distinctions to become perceptible again and again. It is the finely drawn boundaries where the lines hold or lose themselves and were painting dissolves into chaos or retrains its structure.